Thursday, November 4, 2010

To select Sunday School Curriculum

The bottom line in evaluating Sunday school curriculum is to write. You, your selection committee, and your church leadership for the program, the criteria for the selection of the best for your Sunday School Curriculum. Designing an evaluation form to compare your options. With a properly prepared evaluation form after selecting your winners, you can safely declare that the choice for those who need to know.

Prepare aScorecard

A scorecard is a tool to persecute you, and to compare the properties of the various curricula have considered. Before you can plan, you must have both goals and determine your bonds.

What is the impact in the lives of your students by the end of the year, had to do: to identify their goals, start by answering this question? With his eyes fixed on this answer:

Consider your learning goals. While it is importantTheir church, the children with a range of courses, content of the Bible in a year, a program to explore the Bible story for several weeks every treaty in detail would have had a poor measure.
Consider your physical space. How many classrooms are there? How big? If you're short on space, then the materials that are more "work" in each class may not be reasonable.
Consider having your staff available, as many teachers and support teachers to be?
Consider yourBudget. How much money you can realistically spend on materials?

Next, determine the key features of curriculum for the program. Here are some pages of the application, you can include an assessment of your Sunday school curriculum.

Conceptual content

Sunday School curriculum is the product of a particular cut?
What is the theological position?
It is the biblical content and true art and consistent with Scripture?
What is the balance between the Old and New Testaments?
And 'this lectionary based curriculum?
If this is a comprehensive curriculum, when it comes to race, socioeconomic status, gender and disability?
These are the lessons of practice?

Physical content - What is the curriculum actually included this Sunday?

Teacher's Guide?
Lesson plans?
What to do?
Song sheets?
Cassette, CD or video?
Working memory?
Take homeStudent materials?


And 'this Sunday at appropriate curriculum, the teaching will be in old age?
It 'attractive?
How effective are the materials? Children will learn what is shown?

If you have a small church, consider:

These are the games for more than 10 children mean?
These are the jobs or activities require help?
What is with expensive materials?
When courses are working with multi-age groups?

Teacher Resources

And 'Sunday School teacher-friendly curriculum?
For new and experienced teachers?
How much teacher preparation is necessary?

Parental involvement

If the Sunday School curriculum is designed so parents are encouraged to be involved in spiritual formation, in his son?
There together, "take home" materials for parents to serve as a family of having to reinforce the lesson?


Can this> Sunday curriculum even more than before?
What is the physical quality of the product? The materials until you need it?
How does the price compared to other school curricula Sunday?
In assessing the costs, remember, the material contained in a factor, as well as additional cost items, if you buy them probably.

You can get more questions relevant to your situation or your religion. What is importantis to work with a frame.

Add weights to the evaluation board

After all factors (questions) list, you must decide the relative importance of each, using a scale of 1-5. For example, to the question: "There," "materials together to serve the parents as a family, the lesson to increase the" take home? could answer yes is worth five points, while no node would. (In these examples, the points are more and better curriculum. YouIt could in the opposite direction, if you wanted.)

For things such as cost, you should have both a burden and a level of support. For example, if the Sunday school budget is generous, maybe you could assign a cost weight of three. It could cost clip of it if you do not pay more than $ 26 per student per year: [0 - $ 3.99] => three [$ 4 to 12.99] => two [$ 13 - $ 25.99 ] =>, and [$ 26 and up] => zero.

An example of a crown


Lectionary-based: Yes (5 points), Take Home Materials: Yes (3 points) and costs $ 10 for students (4 times 3 = 12 points): Total score: 20 points

Curriculum B:

Lectionary-based: No (0 points), Take Home Materials: No (0 points) and costs $ 2.50 per student (5 x 3 = 15 points): Total score: 15 points

Although curriculum is much cheaper B A program, a curriculum scored higher. A program can be selected with confidence.

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