Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bible Games - to involve students in this school Sunday activities

church class you child will learn the teachings of the Bible, but also your students want to have fun at the same time! When Sunday School activities include Bible, interactive games and interesting in your resume, you are sure to capture the attention of your students.

Answers not to mention Sunday school activities

This Sunday school activities is a great way to keep the Church of students from your childreninteract with each other and use their reasoning skills. For this game the Bible, you must do the following:

* Piece of Fruit
* Cup of water
* Hand-drawn map of the church
* Index cards
* Image of a stop sign

Before your child starts the Church of class, hand-draw a map of your Church. Write these questions on the sheet:

* I'm hungry, can you help?
* I have my water system. Can you help?
* I would like to join a gang. What do you think?
* I am at your church, as if thethe sanctuary, so I can participate?

Commencement of operations at Children's Church

Ask for two volunteers, and insert the card, water, fruit and stop sign on the table. So the cards Sunday school activities to the first student and ask him / her students questions about the second. Not to mention, is the second volunteer to use the items on the table to answer questions. See how creative they obtained during the two students ask and answerquestions.

After requests to go through the game of the Bible says that the cup of water and fruit to symbolize how God provides for our physical needs. He shows us that he, as he provides us with food, drinks, medicines and shelter. The image of the stop sign and the board to symbolize how God speaks to us through the Bible. The Bible is like a map or instructions for our lives. Now explain that God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. This is whatmakes us feel bad when we do something wrong. This is also the part of us that we feel happy when we do something right and praise God does.

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