Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Should Teaching Sunday School Be Easy? An Encouraging Word for Sunday School Teachers

I have the privilege of offering teacher training workshops to hundreds of Sunday School teachers and children's workers every year. I love what I do, but sometimes I don't like what I hear. Take, for example, this question: Do you have something easy I can do for Sunday School? If I am honest, when I hear that, it's like hearing fingernails being scraped on the chalkboard. On one hand, I know we are all busy and life is more hectic than ever. But on the other hand, it is essential that every Christian is aware of child workers, teaching the children about God could be a major task that will ever have. major projects take a lot of work. They are not easy and requires a lot of preparation and passion.


There is a saying which reads as follows: The teacher who fails to prepare, prepare to fail. I'm just preparing for Sunday Schoolon Saturday night, you are not putting the time and work in that God and your children deserve. All the elements of a good Sunday school class should be well thought out and completely prepared. Have you read and meditated on the Bible story you will share? Are you ready to present the story in a creative way that will keep your children interested and engaged? If doing a craft, do you have all the items ready for each child? Are your worship songs ready to sing? Make sure each and every part of your class time is completely ready to present.


On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited do you get about waking up on Sunday morning to share what God has given you with your kids? Now before you start thinking I'm some kind of saint, I have to tell you that I have my Sundays where my energy level is not very high. On the other hand, I can definitely attest to the fact that there are many Sundays where I can't wait to to my class. I'm really excited to share what God has given me to share every child. Ask my husband says is true. Really prepared with my Bible study and Bible songs and games of revision increases my excitement. Pray and ask the Lord, each of the children this week, bless my engine roars. There are many children in Sunday school classrooms in the world, just waiting for someone to share with them the love of God Yes.This is even true of kids from Christian homes. As a Sunday school teacher, you have the unique opportunity to pour into your 6 or 7 kids (or whatever your class size is) and lavish on them God's wonderful and life-changing truths. That is pretty incredible!

Bottom line - Being a Sunday school teacher is not easy and it takes good hones work. You should see being a Sunday school teacher as one of the greatest things you get to do each week. Your kids deserve it.

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