December 25 has come and gone again. "Peace on earth, good will toward men" is the hope that is on everyone's lips. The secular media even gives an assist to the cause of Christ, for which we are grateful.
The blurred image of this peace is a man called Jesus Who is a perennial Nice Guy. He calls on all of us to get along, settle our differences, lay down our weapons of war, come together, and forge a union of nations and religions that will cement our security forever.
Ahem, pardon me. But that's not the peace that Jesus gives or offers to a failed flawed race. Jesus' peace is made of sterner stuff. The way to peace is Jesus Himself entering our repentant heart and renewing and re-doing. Ask anyone who has truly been made full of the Holy Ghost. It can be a gut-wrenching time of death to self so that Christ can live His resurrected life within.
So shall it be among the nations. The non-repentant nations and the citizens within them, by far the great majority of mankind, will experience the wrath of God in unprecedented measure, perhaps soon. Then shall the Prince of Peace come and rule over the earth in a time of flabbergasting peace and prosperity.
His peace follows purging. His peace is maintained by His Lordship. Individually and nationally. Thus we mourn for the nations of earth on this Christmas morn. My own heart gravitates toward North Korea and the severe judgment that awaits its government and most of its people if the message of the Gospel of Peace is not permitted to enter.
I offer these promises to such as continue in their present ways, whether the ways of righteousness or the ways of evil. All from Psalm 37, which gripped my heart during a recent devotional time, and reminded me of what is coming. May we who know Christ play our part well until these things come upon us...
"... evildoers shall soon be cut down like the grass...
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart."
"... evildoers shall be cut off."
"Those who wait on the Lord shall inherit the earth."
"For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more."
"The meek shall inherit the earth."
"The Lord laughs at [the wicked] for he sees that his day is coming."
"The Lord upholds the righteous."
"The enemies of the Lord, like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish into smoke..."
"Those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth."
"Those cursed by Him shall be cut off."
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord."
"I have seen the wicked in great power, spreading himself like a native green tree... yet he passed away..."
So take heed, Mr. Kim Jong-il, and any leader or citizen who exalts himself above the Lord God. It's only a matter of time now...
For those who follow Jesus, a blessed holiday, peace in your heart, and peace on our land one day.
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