In the brave new creation of God there was something wrong still a sad thing. Adam and Eve were perfectly happy and well. Every evening in the cool of the day came to God and to go and talk with them. Because he lived in their minds, he was very close to them and very real.
Adam and Eve lived in a beautiful garden that God had given them. In this garden were two special trees. One was called the tree of life, was right in the middle of the garden. Who eats thisTree would live forever. The other tree was the tree of knowledge of good and evil means. God told Adam not to eat of this tree. Adam knew only about the good, and God did not want him to know evil.
Adam heard the word of God and understand that Eve would certainly understand. God had allowed them to be tested to see if she would vote her own way street, be.
One day, when Adam was away from home, Eva had a visitor. If a visitor should beto see us today, we would be very shocked, but Adam and Eve knew nothing of fear, and even for animals. The snake who came to speak to Eva was the most subtle of all animals. This means that he was very intelligent, smart and intelligent. He did not want to do on the floor because all the snakes crawling now, but has been kept and beautifully colored.
But as the serpent came to Eve, there was another guest there, that Eva could not see. Satan, the enemy of God speaking through the snake. Satan has no bodyher, and wants to use his lips and bodies of living creatures to do his will. The serpent said to Eve: "God said you must not eat from every tree in the garden?"
Eva said: "God has said he can eat all the fruit trees in the garden, but the fruit of the right tree in the garden, God said," You shall not eat or touch or die the death. '"Satan said," You will not die. "The Lord Jesus said many years later, that Satan is a caveand the father of lies, John 8:44.
E 'was when Satan said to Eve: "God does not love or have everything you want He is not good to you .." Eve listened to Satan and began to believe lies and doubt the word of God Have you seen how good the fruit on the tree looked. He thought how nice it would be wise. Then he reached out his hand, took the fruit and ate it. This was the disobedience. It 'was the election of their own way rather than God's way
After Eve had eaten of the tree, tookmore from the tree and gave to Adam. He has even eaten. Why was the tree of knowledge of good and evil, their eyes were opened to see not only good but also bad. Adam disobeyed and he was a sinner. He had met only twice before. Now he knew evil.
Suddenly he was ashamed, because they were naked. They tried to get the clothes from fig leaves. Then they heard the voice of God calling to them as walking and talking with them came in the firstSera. Instead they run to meet, as they usually were afraid and went and hid among the trees.
God said, 'Adam, where are you? " Adam came and said to God. "I heard your voice and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself" God said to him: "Who told you that you were naked Have you eaten of the tree that I told you not to eat? " Because the heart of Adam's sin was now, rather than pure and good, he began to blame Eve. Since Eve is the fault of theSnake.
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