Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Children's Liturgy - a Sunday school activity Your Students Will Love

How does the Sunday school children to do fun activities liturgy. And when it comes to fun Bible lessons are the ones that make your youth ministry class eager to learn about their religion and faith!

Sunday School Lesson God cleanse our Sins

This activity works best with Sunday School children liturgy one of the pupils under ten years. For this study the Bible, you need a lot of small 2 "x 4" boards cutsmaller blocks of about 6 "to 12" long. Be sure to smooth out the blocks so you do not get a splinter! She has also written a couple of paper with "good deed" on it.

The idea that the lessons of Sunday school is to point to the class, the sins are heavy to carry with your youth ministry. It 's easier to deliver our sins to God through repentance. Write a pity written on a group of blocks, and put all the blocks with the same sin over them together. ToThis group of "HATE" stuck together.

Next, have student liturgy each child take a block of each of the poles sin. Your hands should be full, after their collection each block. Now I'm trying to get every student a "good deed" of paper with all the blocks of sin in their hands.

The point of the Sunday school lesson

The lesson of this activity is the Sunday school that it is impossible to do good deeds, as they are overloadedwith sin, because it is difficult for pupils to work with their hands full of blocks.

After a few minutes of detention for the blocks, your students are sure to put down. Explain to them trying to get a "good deed" card before you can bring the blocks down to. The weight of sin can keep you from living a good life divine. Use this time to explain to the class Youth Ministry, as remorse, you can alleviate the shameand be able to carry out all the good deeds that you want to implement them.

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