Students in children's ministry should look forward to each class. However, this is improbable if you stick to boring and dry lesson plans. Try incorporating these Sunday school crafts into your curriculum to get your students excited about learning!
Bad Attitude Box Church Craft
For this idea, you'll need the following materials:
*Colored construction paper
*Permanent markers
*A small, hinged box for each student
Before you want to begin this Sunday school craft, cut the paper into pieces that will easily fit inside the boxes. Now instruct your children's ministry class to write one bad attitude (such as greed, selfishness, cruelty, etc.) on each piece of paper. After each child has a few "bad behaviors" inside their box, help them write "(Name)'s Bad Attitude Box" on the top of the box.
Have your class write on a separate piece of paper "List of contents:" with all of the "bad behaviors" that are included in the box. Glue the list of contents onto the bottom of the box and tie it up with a ribbon. Now explain to your students that as long as the ribbon is tied on this church craft, bad attitudes can't be with us!
Basket of Bible Verses Sunday School Idea
You'll need the following for this Sunday school craft:
*Blue, pink, yellow, purple and green construction paper
Before your children's ministry class start, cut a basket shape out of the yellow construction paper for each child. Now cut egg shapes out of the other paper colors. Instruct your students to complete the church craft by writing their favorite Bible verses on the eggs. Then help them glue the eggs onto their basket shape and allow them to go wild decorating their basket full of eggs. This Sunday school craft is Especially popular during the Easter period.
These are just two ideas for Sunday school, the class can try to look at the next Children's Ministry. It 'important to keep students' attention when they are taught the word of the Lord comes. Church craft like this are definitely excited to have your students!
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