Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday School Ideas - a great way to get your students excited about learning

Sunday school is a place for the children of your community to gather, learn about your church, your religion and your beliefs. It can be difficult to come up with fresh ideas and new Sunday school. This article describes an inspiring liturgy for your children.

Patience Game Bible

We all know the adage: "Patience is a virtue." But how to express this lesson Bible study for children in church for children? This BibleActivity helps the class to practice techniques of patience. For this activity you need a little pop-up tent and lots of candy.

Before your child begins the liturgy, the tent, or a sheet or blanket and chairs. How to get your students will wonder what the tent itself, and certainly want to go and check it out. Tell them they must wait until the whole class is. After the whole class is present, throw enough pieces of candy inTent to be a piece for each child. If you really can sneak candy into the tent, so that children do not see what you're doing.

Let the children insight into the tent, allowing you to not go inside. Ask your class if they want to go into the tent. They will probably say yes. Above them, if you wait until the end of the class to enter the tent, could be better. Tell them that the Bible says, "If we are for what we hope, we wait with patience."

ThoseChildren, the school decides to go Sunday in the tent before the end are only allowed one piece of candy each. About half the class, another candy for those children who were waiting. Let the search again in the tent, and repeat your question and warning that if wait until the end of the class will be better.

Again, those who are left in the tent to get two like pieces of candy. When class is almost over, another piece of candywaiting children (make them ultra-special sweets) decided. Then the children, the patience to wait, it was in the tent and take his three pieces of candy.

Doctrine, the idea of the school aware of this Sunday will be the

Although this activity may be tough Sunday school children who do not have the patience to wait until the end of the tent before entering class, there is a lesson well learned. The message is that God sometimesWe want to wait for the things we want. He does not because he has suffered for us and will go without, but it is because sometimes to give us something that we will be happier.

This idea of Sunday school is a great way to reward your patience to students for their strengthening, while the idea that patience is a virtue.

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