Friday, September 17, 2010

Bible stories - the preparation of Esther

King Xerxes was killed in the signing of a decree of Haman, orders for all Jews in his kingdom on a given day was done. When Mordecai heard of this decree, he tore his clothes, and how people should show their grief. Then he dressed in a sack of ashes on his head. Walked the streets screaming and wailing. Then he came and sat at the gate king, because nobody could get inside the gate dressed in sackcloth.

Queen Esther heard of this. YouMordicai sent with other clothes, but he would not wear. Then he sent someone to find out what was wrong. Mordechai said the servant to tell Esther about the plot to kill Jews. He said that Haman was behind. Then she sent a copy of the decree and said it should go to the king and claim the lives of their people.

The servant spoke to Queen Esther, Mordechai and soon came his reply. She said: "You know the law,Who is before the king, without feeling takes his life in their hands. If the king extends his golden scepter to him and its execution. I have not been called before the king for thirty days. It could mean my death. "

Mordecai then sent another message to her: "You belong to the Jewish people. If we shall die, you will die with us. If you do not do something, then we shall be saved by another way. But who knows if you do notQueen had been made at this time, allowing you to save our people. Esther sent another response: "Get all Jews together, and fast and pray for me for three days. My girlfriend and I do the same. Then go to the king, not the law, and if I die, I die. "

When Mordecai received this message, he rose and went, as Esther asked him to do. For three days Esther and the maids, who waited for their time spent in prayer. Eat at all, butgave himself to prayer for the people, by Esther throughout the country and for them, as planned to go before the king.

Mordechai through the town of Susa, his friends among the Jewish people and asked them to do the same. word spread through the city. For three, it says do not eat, but spent their time in prayer, asking God to save them, and Queen Esther preparation, making them the king's favor, when they went to face him.

The JewishPeople knew he could do a God of miracles. He knew, as he did for Daniel in the lion's den, and worked for three brave young men who were thrown into the fiery furnace. They believed that God would take care of them. But their hearts were sad when they have work to do in those three days left. If God to work for them? If he would rescue them from their enemies, as he had done many times in the past?

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