Monday, December 6, 2010

Church Crafts - Two Ways to Get Creative in Sunday School

Sunday school activities are supposed to be fun, creative and exciting. A lot of the time, though, you may have a difficult time coming up with interesting church crafts that your children's church will enjoy. Here are two Sunday school crafts for your students to enjoy.

Stained Glass Bible Activity

For this Bible craft, you'll need the following supplies:

*wash-out markers
*coffee filter
*construction paper
*spray bottle filled with water
*clear contact paper

Hand out a coffee filter to each of your children's ministry students, and advise them to color it as they please with the markers (it's imperative that you bring markers that are washable). Next, have the kids spray the coffee filter with the spray bottle.

After the filter is dry, cut a cross out of the construction paper for each of your children's liturgy students (I would advise having these pre-cut before class, or allowing your kids to do it themselves if they are old enough). Now help the students glue the colorful filter to the construction paper and cover it with clear contact paper to ensure it lasts as long as possible. The students will love having something to bring home to their families, and it will prove to be a great addition to your curriculum.

Sandpaper Sunday School Craft

This is a great church craft to do if your current Sunday school curriculum incorporates Egypt. For this craft, you'll need enough pieces of coarse sandpaper for each student to have one as well as a lot of crayons.

Instruct your children's church students to draw an Egyptian scene on the sandpaper. Encourage them to draw pyramids, a sunset, and people. Tell them to be sure that they press hard on the crayons to get the best results.

This Bible craft will give your children's ministry students something to bring home to their families, which will spur conversation about the lessons they learned during Sunday school.

These two church crafts are great ways to get your students to tap into their creative sides while also reinforcing other lessons that you teach.

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