Saturday, December 11, 2010

Child Christmas Party Ideas

First of all may we congratulate you on taking on this task. It probably means that you are a classroom mom or dad, scout leader, or Sunday school teacher or some other often under-valued position and one that not many people would sign up for. This doesn't mean you need to do all the kids party planning and organizing yourself however. We would like to give you some great ideas for child Christmas party ideas, but we also encourage you to get other parents involved (they might even enjoy it so much that they offer to help more regularly!)

Kids Party Planning Ideas

When planning a Child Christmas Party you will want to think about what activities you are going to have - whether these are going to be games or craft ideas. If you are a scout leader you will probably also want to consider how the fun party ideas can fit in with your badge work. Here are a few fun kids party ideas:

Christmas Stocking Guessing Game: A couple of stockings are filled with Christmas items and then children are divided into groups and each group gets given a Christmas stocking. These get passed around the groups so each child gets a chance to guess at least one item in the stocking (without peeking!) The team that has guessed the most right wins.

Gift Wrap Relay: A number of gift wrapping stations are set up, one for each team. Each team is then lined up and given a wrapped box of macaroni which they then need to run with to their gift wrapping station, unwrap, re-wrap and then run back and give to the next person in their team who does the same. The first team where each person has unwrapped and re-wrapped the gift is the winner.

A Crafty Idea - Make Christmas Ornaments: A great way to encourage creativity in children and fill them with a sense of pride and accomplishment is to get them to create Christmas ornaments to give to their parents. These can be snowflakes decorated with glitter, reindeer made from hand prints or anything else you (or they) choose.

Christmas Treat Envelopes: A great idea for scout good turns is to create Christmas treat envelopes to give to the under- privileged (or other kids can just make these for their parents or friends). Each child is given some felt squares and other suitable items for decorating these and they can turn these into envelopes. Once the envelopes are made, fill them with chocolates and other sweet treats to give away.

Kids Party Invitations

Once you have put together your child Christmas party ideas, it is time to tell everyone about it. A great way to do this is using the new Web 2.0 technology. This means that you can put up a free web page that not only allows you to share your ideas with kids and parents and tell them where and when the party will be taking place but also get them communicating via your web page, collect RSVP's and any necessary fees through the web page and then put up photos, video and audio clips. Use this web page to also find out which parents are willing to assist you with the party and start getting them involved.

You can create these kids party invitations for your child Christmas party by signing up for a free account at Events Listed Child Christmas Party Ideas page. Then start creating your invitation online today and send out emails to let people know where they can find your web page.

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